
Data ultimei actualizări : 01.09.2022 | Tipăreşte pagina

Titlul proiectului: Sinteza şi evaluarea de noi bioconjugati de nanoparticule de aur-triazol-triterpene, utilizate ca agenţi activi în melanomul malign

Project title: Synthesis and assessment of novel triazole-triterpene-gold nanoparticle bioconjugates, used as active agents in malignant melanoma

Acronim: HeteroTerA

  • Contract: PD 154 din 24/08/2020
  • Cod proiect (project code): PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1078


Echipa proiectului:

  • Director proiect: Sl. Dr. Mioc Marius
  • Mentor: Prof. Dr. Soica Codruta

Rezumatul proiectului

Cancerul este o patologie intens studiată, reprezentând a doua cauză principală de deces la nivel mondial. Compuşii naturali din plante sunt o sursă importantă pentru dezvoltarea de medicamente cu efect anticanceros, cu mecanism de acţiune selectiv şi cu efecte adverse reduse. Una dintre cele mai studiate astfel de clase pentru activitatea lor antitumorala, este reprezentată de triterpenele pentaciclice. Dezavantajul utilizării lor ca tratament eficient in cancer, este reprezentat de hidrofobicitatea crescută a acestor molecule, care se corelează cu o biodisponibilitate scăzută. In această directie, o multitudine de derivaţi triterpenici sintetizaţi, au fost raportati în literatura de specialitate, mulţi astfel de compuşi prezentând activităţi antitumorale superioare. Recent a fost extensive investigata utilizarea nanoparticulelor de aur ca transportori pentru compuşi cu activitate antitumorala. Nanoparticulele de aur oferă mijloace excelente pentru sinteza controlată (formă şi dimensiune), funcţionalizare uşoară şi capacitatea de a transporta şi proteja cantităţi mari de medicamente încărcate. Actualul proiect îşi propune să obţină derivaţi triterpenici de triazol şi formularea lor ulterioară sub formă de bioconjugati cu nanoparticule de aur, cu activitate potenţială în melanomul malign. Triterpenele selectate pentru derivatizare, acid ursolic, oleanolic şi betulinic sunt substanţe cu efect antiproliferativ raportat în melanom, care vor fi funcţionalizat la gruparea COOH printr-o reacţie de condensare cu o grupare amino primară prezentă în structura unor 3-R-4 -amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazoli. Selecţia triazolilor penrtu sinteza şi funcţionalizarea a triterpenelor, va fi efectuată folosind metode de screening virtual bazate pe andocare, prin ţintirea unor enzime cheie supraexprimate în melanomul malign. Noii derivaţi sintetizaţi şi formulările lor cu nanoparticule de aur vor fi evaluate biologic pentru activitatea lor antitumorala în melanomul malign.

Project abstract

Cancer is an intensively studied pathology, representing the second leading cause of death worldwide. Plant natural occurring compounds are an important source for the development of drugs with anticancer effect, with a more targeted mechanism and reduced adverse effects. One of the most studied such classes for their anticancer activity, is represented by pentacyclic triterpenes. The main drawback of using such compounds as an efficient anticancer treatment is represented by the increased hydrophobicity of these molecules, which correlates with a low bio-availability. On this note, a large plethora of synthesized triterpene derivatives were reported in the literature, multiple such compounds showing superior anticancer activities. Recently the use of gold nanoparticles as carriers for compounds with anticancer activity is extensively investigated. Gold nanoparticles provide excellent means for controlled synthesis (shape and size), easy functionalization, and the ability to transport and protect large amounts of loaded drugs. The current proposal aims to obtain triazole-triterpene derivatives and their subsequent formulation as gold nanoparticles bioconjugates, with potential activity in malignant melanoma. Triterpenes selected for derivatization, ursolic, oleanolic and betulinic acid, are substances with already reported antiproliferative effect in melanoma, which will be functionalized at the COOH group through a condensation reaction with a primary amino group present in the structure of several 3-R-4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-tri azole derivatives. The selection of triazole structures to be synthesized and used to functionalize triterpenes will be performed using docking based virtual screening methods, by targeting key enzymes overexpressed in malignant melanoma. The synthesized novel triterpene derivatives and their gold nanoparticles formulations will be biologically assessed for their antiproliferative activity in malignant melanoma.

Obiectivul general

Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect urmăreşte obţinerea unor derivaţi triazolici a unor acizi triterpenici (cu activitate antiproliferativa documenatată) şi formularea ulterioară a acestora ca bioconjugaţi cu nanoparticule de aur. Derivaţii de triazol utilizaţi pentru derivatizarea triterpenelor vor fi selectaţi în urma unui proces de screening virtual în urma căruia vor fi alese structuri cu potenţial antiproliferativ pe melanom uman. Scopul final este de a obţine o formulare a cărei constituenţi să posede fiecare în parte efectul antiproliferativ căutat, pentru a asigura un efect terapeutic sinergic. În final formularile obţinute vor fi testate biologic pentru a valida efectul biologic prezis si  pentru a observa posibile mecanisme de actiune.

General objective

The general objective of this project is to obtain triazole derivatives of triterpene actions (with documented antiproliferative activity) and their subsequent formulation as bioconjugates with gold nanoparticles. The triazole derivatives used for the derivation of triterpenes will be selected following a virtual screening process following which structures with antiproliferative potential on human melanoma will be chosen. The ultimate goal is to obtain a formula whose constituents have each put together the desired antiproliferative effect, in order to ensure a synergistic therapeutic effect. Finally, the forms obtained will be biologically tested to validate the predicted biological effect and to observe the possible mechanism of action.

Rezultate estimate

Acest proiect se va finaliza prin obţinerea unor derivaţi de triazol a unor triterpene pentaciclice, formulaţi ca bioconjugaţi cu nanoparticule de aur. Noile formulări vor fi obţinute pentru potenţialul lor efect citotoxic pe linii celulare de melanom malign, cuantificat prin teste biologice. De altfel derivaţii de triazol-triterpene sintetizaţi vor fi structuri noi care vor fi şi ele testate biologic, ca atare, pentru efectul antiproliferativ asupra liniilor celulare de melanom malign. Rezultatele obţinute vor fi diseminate prin publicarea a 2 articole ISI si participarea la 2 conferinte internationale.

Estimated results

The current proposal will be completed by obtaining triazole derivatives of pentacyclic triterpenes, formulated as gold nanoparticles-bioconjugates. The new formulations are obtained for their potential cytotoxic effect on malignant melanoma cell lines, effect quantified by biological assessment. Moreover, the synthesized triazole-triterpene derivatives will be novel structures that will also be biologically tested, as such, for their antiproliferative effect on malignant melanoma cell lines. The obtained results will be disseminated by publishing 2 ISI articles and participating in 2 international conferences.

Durata de derulare a proiectului – 02.09.2020 – 01.09.2022 (24 luni)
Project time frame - 02.09.2020 – 01.09.2022 (24 months)



Rezumat Etapa 1. Proiectarea compuşilor pe bază de 3-R-4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazol, prin enzime targeting de pe căile de semnalizare supraexprimate în melanomul malign, folosind screeningul virtual bazat pe andocare moleculară

În cadrul acestei etape s-a avut în vedere construirea unei mici librării de compuşi cu scopul de a obţine o selecţie restrânsă de molecule potenţial active în melanomul malign. Moleculele librariei sunt derivati de 4-amino-1,2,4-triazol-3-tiol, avand radicalul din pozitia 5 variabil. Utilizand screening virtual bazat pe andocare moleculara in tinte proteice supraexprimate in melanomul malign, in urma analizei rezultatelor a fost obtinuta o selectie de compusi ce pot fi utilizati in sinteza de derivati triazolo-triterpenici adecvati pentru obtinerea de nanoformulari pe baza de nanoparticule de aur.

Summary Stage 1. Design of 3-R-4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole compounds by targeting enzymes from overexpressed signaling pathways in malignant melanoma using virtual screening-based molecular docking

During this stage, we’ve built a small library of compounds in order to obtain a small selection of potentially active molecules in malignant melanoma. The molecules of the library are derivatives of 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol, having variable radicals in the 5th position. Using virtual screening-based molecular docking against overexpressed protein targets in malignant melanoma, following the analysis of the results we obtained a selection of compounds that can be used in the synthesis of triazole-triterpene derivatives suitable for obtaining gold nanoparticles based nanoformulations.

Rezumat Etapa 2. Sinteza şi caracterizarea fizico-chimică a derivaţilor de triazol ai triterpenelor. Sinteza chimică şi caracterizarea fizico-chimică a bioconjugatilor de triterpene triazol- nanoparticule de aur.

In cadrul acestei etape au fost sintetizati triazoli apartinand selectiei din prima etapa cu scopul de ai folosi mai departe pentru derivatizarea acizilor triterpenici, respectiv acid betulinic (BA), acid oleanolic (OA) si acid ursolic (UA). Sinteza triazolilor a decurs conform asteptrilor insa derivatii triazolo-triterpenici vizati au fost obtinuti ca substante pure in randamente extrem de mici. Pentru a remedia inconvenientul tinand cont si de rezultatele experimentale obtinute, 1-hidroxi-benzotriazolul a fost utilizat pentru a obtine derivati de acizi triterpenici ce pot fi ulterior formulati ca bioconjugati cu nanoprticule de aur. Compusii si formularile acestora au fost sintetizati cu succes si analizati fizico-chimic. Am reusit obtinerea de substante pure in randamente satisfacatoare ce au putut fi utilizate pentru obtinerea de formulari cu nanoparticule de aur. Tot in cadrul acestei etape, utilizand infrastructura acestui proiect, in urma unei colaborari, au fost evaluati biologic derivati heterociclici de BA, UA si OA. Rezultatele obtinute au reprezentat o predictie utila pentru directia strategiei proiectului si au aratat ca acesti compusi sunt citotoxici pentru celulele de melanom malign principalul mecanism al acestora fiind inducerea apoptozei in celule canceroase prin diverse moduri.

Summary Stage 2. Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of triterpene-triazole derivatives. Chemical synthesis and physicochemical characterization of triterpene-triazole- gold nanoparticles bioconjugates.

During this stage, triazoles were synthesized belonging to the selection from the first stage in order to use them for further derivatization of triterpenic acids, namely betulinic acid (BA), oleanolic acid (OA) and ursolic acid (UA). The synthesis of triazoles proceeded as expected, but the targeted triazole-triterpenic derivatives were obtained as pure substances in extremely low yields. In order to remedy the inconvenience, taking into account the experimental results obtained, 1-hydroxy-benzotriazole was used to obtain triterpene acid derivatives that can later be formulated as bioconjugated with gold nanoparticles. The compounds and their formulations have been successfully synthesized and physicochemically analyzed. We managed to obtain pure substances in sufficient yields that could subsequently be used to obtain gold nanoparticle formulations. Also during this stage, using the infrastructure of this project, following a collaboration, heterocyclic derivatives of BA, AU and OA were biologically evaluated. The results obtained represented a useful prediction for the direction of the project strategy and showed that these compounds are cytotoxic for malignant melanoma cells, the main mechanism of action being the induction of apoptosis in cancer cells by various pathways.

Rezumat Etapa 3. Evaluarea biologică in vitro a compuşilor sintetizaţi

In cadrul acestei etape finale au fost investigati din punct de vedere biologic, atat derivatii triazolici ai BA, OA si UA cat si formularile acestora pe baza de nanoparticule de aur. Rezultatele au aratat ca derivatii obtinuti au intradevar efect anticanceros in vitro, superior acizilor triterpenici nederivatizati. Derivatii de BA si OA au prezentat o citotoxicitate mai ridicata pe celulele de melanom. Aceleasi rezultate au fost obtinute si pentru formularile de tip nanoparticule de aur, unde in cazul derivatului de UA au fost obtinute rezultate mai bune decat in cazul derivatului de UA neformulat.

Din punct de vedere al mecanismului de actiune compusii obtinuti au efect proapoptotic prin reglarea la nivel genic al expresiei de gene pro si antiapoptotice. Compusii derivati mai induc citotoxicitate prin inhibarea functiei mitocondriale si probabil producerea de specii reactive de oxigen.

Summary Stage 3. In vitro biological evaluation of synthesized compounds

During this final stage, both the triazole derivatives of BA, OA and UA and their formulations based on gold nanoparticles were biologically investigated. The results showed that the obtained derivatives exhibited indeed an anticancer in vitro effect, superior to the non-derivatized triterpenic acids. BA and OA derivatives showed higher cytotoxicity on melanoma cells. The same results were obtained for the gold nanoparticle formulations, where in the case of the UA derivative, better results were obtained as compared to the unformulated AU derivative.

Regarding the investigated mechanism of action, the obtained compounds showed a proapoptotic effect by regulating at the gene level the expression of pro and antiapoptotic genes. The derived compounds also induce cytotoxicity by inhibiting mitochondrial function and probably the production of reactive oxygen species.

Concluzii generale

În cadrul acestui proiect au fost obţinuţi şi caracterizaţi noi derivaţi triterpenici de triazol şi formulările acestora pe bază de nanoparticule de aur. Analiza biologică a acestora a evidenţiat o acţiune citotoxică, pro-apoptotică pe linii celulare de melanom A375. Efectul apoptotic al acestor compuşi stă la bază influenţării expresiei genelor pro şi antiapoptotice, a inhibării funcţiei mitocondriale şi a producerii de SRO la nivel mitochondrial, în celule canceroase.

Având în vedere rezultatele obţinute, deşi un efect pro-apoptotic a unor derivaţi de acizi triterpenici este într-o oarecare măsură de aşteptat, considerăm ca rezultatele noastre pot sta la baza unor noi puncte de plecare pentru design-ul de derivaţi semisintetici de triterpene, cu potential antiproliferative superior. În detaliu 1-hidroxi-benzotriazolul este un reactiv des utilizat pentru obţinerea de compuşi intermediari care de multe ori nu ajung să fie evaluaţi biologic. Acest reactiv poate fi utilizat cu succes pentru obţinerea de noi derivaţi triterpenici cu acţiune antiproliferativă crescută şi totodată ca linker pentru obţinerea de formulări pe bază de GNP a derivaţilor anterior menţionaţi formulari ce pot augmenta efectul anticanceros al compusilor formulati.

Toate obiectivele prezentului proiect au fost îndeplinite cu success iar indicatorii totali propuşi (2 articole ISI cu FI cumulat > 5, participări la 2 conferinţe) au fost cu mult depăşiţi. În cadrul acestui proiect au fost publicate câte 1 abstract în cadrul a 2 conferinţe şi 7 articole ISI cu factor de impact cumulat > 42, iar în perioada apropiată finalizării acestui proiect ne propunem publicarea a cel puţin încă unui articol ISI din munca realizată pentru acest grant.

Concluding remarks

In this project, new triterpene triterpene-triazole derivatives and their gold nanoparticle formulations were obtained and characterized. Their biological analysis revealed a cytotoxic, pro-apoptotic action on A375 melanoma cell lines. The apoptotic effect of these compounds is due to the regulation of pro and antiapoptotic gene expression, inhibition of mitochondrial function and the production of ROS at the mitochondrial level, in cancer cells.

Considering the results obtained, although a pro-apoptotic effect of some triterpene acid derivatives is to some extent expected, we believe that our results may form the basis of new starting points for the design of semisynthetic triterpene derivatives with superior antiproliferative potential. In detail, 1-hydroxy-benzotriazole is a reagent often used to obtain intermediate compounds that often do not end up being biologically evaluated. This reagent can be successfully used to obtain new triterpene derivatives with increased antiproliferative action and also as a linker for obtaining GNP-based formulations of the aforementioned derivatives, formulations that can also augment the anticancer effect of the linked compounds.

All the objectives of this project have been successfully achieved and the total proposed indicators (2 ISI articles with cumulative FI > 5, participation in 2 conferences) were far exceeded. Within this project, 2 abstracts were published in 2 conferences and 7 ISI articles with a cumulative impact factor > 42, and in the next period after the completion of this project, we intend to publish at least one more ISI article from the work done for this grant.

Pulicatii/ Published work


  1. Marius Mioc; Roxana Ghiulai; Roxana Racoviceanu; Alexandra Prodea; Andreea Milan; Cod­ruţa Soica; Synthesis and characterization of a novel betulinic acid – amino-triazole amide with antiproliferative potential effect. Congresul Naţional de Farmacie, ediţia a XVIII-a, FARMACIA: DE LA INOVARE LA BUNA PRACTICĂ FARMACEUTICĂ!, 15.09.2021.
  2.  Mioc Marius, Racoviceanu Roxana, Ghiulai Roxana, Prodea Alexandra, Milan Andreea and Soica Codruta. Design, Synthesis And Characterization Of Novel Triterpene-1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives Suitable For Gold Nanoparticle Conjugation. VII SEQT Summer School MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL BIOLOGY IN DRUG DISCOVERY: THE PHARMA PERSPECTIVE, 19-21.07 2022.

Articole ISI publicate/Published ISI papers

  1. Kazakova, O.; Mioc, A.; Smirnova, I.; Baikova, I.; Voicu, A.; Vlaia, L.; Macaşoi, I.; Mioc, M.; Draghici, G.; Avram, S.; et al. Novel Synthesized N-Ethyl-Piperazinyl-Amides of C2-Substituted Oleanonic and Ursonic Acids Exhibit Cytotoxic Effects through Apoptotic Cell Death Regulation. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, doi:10.3390/ijms222010967.
  2. Kazakova, O.; Şoica, C.; Babaev, M.; Petrova, A.; Khusnutdinova, E.; Poptsov, A.; Macaşoi, I.; Draghici, G.; Avram,  Ştefana; Vlaia, L.; et al. 3-Pyridinylidene Derivatives of Chemically Modified Lupane and Ursane Triterpenes as Promising Anticancer Agents by Targeting Apoptosis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, doi:10.3390/ijms221910695.
  3. Milan, A.; Mioc, A.; Prodea, A.; Mioc, M.; Buzatu, R.; Ghiulai, R.; Racoviceanu, R.; Caruntu, F.; Şoica, C. The Optimized Delivery of Triterpenes by Liposomal Nanoformulations: Overcoming the Challenges. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, doi:10.3390/ijms23031140.
  4. Mioc, M.; Milan, A.; Maliţa, D.; Mioc, A.; Prodea, A.; Racoviceanu, R.; Ghiulai, R.; Cristea, A.; Căruntu, F.; Şoica, C. Recent Advances Regarding the Molecular Mechanisms of Triterpenic Acids: A Review (Part I). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 7740, doi:10.3390/ijms23147740.
  5. Mioc, M.; Prodea, A.; Racoviceanu, R.; Mioc, A.; Ghiulai, R. Recent Advances Regarding the Molecular Mechanisms of Triterpenic Acids : A Review ( Part II ). 2022.
  6. Smirnova, I.; Drăghici, G.; Kazakova, O.; Vlaia, L.; Avram, S.; Mioc, A.; Mioc, M.; Macaşoi, I.; Dehelean, C.; Voicu, A.; et al. Hollongdione arylidene derivatives induce antiproliferative activity against melanoma and breast cancer through pro-apoptotic and antiangiogenic mechanisms. Bioorg. Chem. 2022, 119, doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.105535.
  7. Mioc, M.; Mioc, A.; Prodea, A.; Milan, A.; Balan-porcarasu, M.; Ghiulai, R.; Iovanescu, G.; Macasoi, I.; Draghici, G.; Dehelean, C. Novel Triterpenic Acid – Benzotriazole Esters act as Pro-apop- totic Antimelanoma Agents. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022 (accepted).

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