Data ultimei actualizări : 01.11.2022 | Tipăreşte pagina
According to the GLOBOCAN Report 2018, the estimates for non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) new cases in 2018 outreached 1 million, over 250.000 cases were estimated for melanoma. Various prevention strategies (to increase early detection, adequate sun protection, public education campaigns) for melanoma and NMSC had positive outcomes, still the worldwide incidence trends are ascent. In spite of the considerable progress recorded in the field of skin cancers treatment, the side-effects and the invasive character of the existent approaches require novel non-invasive approaches custom-made to tumor type and histological profile.
Betulinic acid - BA (3β -Hydroxy-20(29)-lupan-28-oic acid) a natural compound, that was intensively studied in the last 20 years in the field of cancer, with selective cytotoxicity on tumor cells and minimal noxious effects on normal cells, presents a variate preclinical pharmacological profile. Albeit the multitude of preclinical data regarding the effectiveness of BA, the transfer to clinical studies is rather scarce: only a clinical trial for the treatment of dysplastic nevi (Phase I/II). The main disadvantage of this compound is represented by its hydrophobic character that limits its parenteral administration.
The novelty of this project is represented by the obtention of BA-loaded proniosomes, which are non-ionic surfactant vesicles that have the capacity to incorporate both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds to increase their bioavailability and to deliver them to target sites. The main objective of this project is to perform a topical formulation based on betulinic acid encapsulated in proniosomes recommended as adjuvant treatment for skin cancers.
The main objectives of the present project consist in the development of a topical formulation based on betulinic acid embedded in proniosomes (a carrier platform for hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds) to be used as an adjuvant treatment in skin cancer, and the submission of the formula proposal to be patented.
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