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PATHOTIM 2014 - Recent advances in Cytopathology, Dermatopathology and Hematopathology

Data ultimei actualizări : 02.07.2014 | Tipăreşte pagina

We are proud to present the upcoming 3 day course on "Recent advances in Cytopathology, Dermatopathology and Hematopathology" scheduled to take place in Timisoara, Romania, June 12-14th, 2014.  


Course Description:

The course is designed for practicing pathologists and pathologists in training and should increase their diagnostic skills in Cytopathology, Dermatopathology and Hematopathology.  The course will combine lectures and slide sessions.
Digital images used at the slide sessions will be available for review online. 
Participants are also encouraged to bring their own slides for discussion. 
The course participants will be awarded 12 EMC credits (cf.adr. CMR 4583/14.08.2013).  


Prof. David Wilbur, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assoc. Prof. Adriano Piris, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assoc. Prof. Robert Hasserjian, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital
We are looking forward to seeing you. 

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